About frenchay•news

frenchay•news is an independent website that aims to support and stimulate community activities in and around Frenchay by providing a convenient source of news and information. We are particularly keen to encourage smaller volunteer-led non-commercial groups that do not have the resources to publicise their own activities.
The great majority of the material found on the site is sourced from or based upon material provided to us by Frenchay Community News - a printed magazine delived for free to more than 1300 properties around Frenchay.
Frenchay is an active and growing community on the outskirts of Greater Bristol, with lots of green space. The name comes from ‘Fromeshaw’, meaning ’the wood on the Frome’ and the river Frome forms the eastern boundary.
In 1870, W. G. Grace was captain of our village cricket team. Cricket is still played on the Common and we have local tennis, rugby, football, cricket and golf facilities. We even have our own local history museum. Have a look at our events posts for local talks and other community events.
A very special welcome if you have recently moved into the community. We hope you will find some useful information here that will help you to settle in.
Explore the website to get a glimpse of life in Frenchay and catch up on the latest developments. Feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!