Winterbourne Parish Council Report - Hospital Site
“This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
Sir Winston Churchill
We now know that the North Bristol Trust has outline planning permission to build up to 490 houses on the Frenchay Hospital site.
It may appear that your Parish Councillors’ work on the development is finished but it is just beginning. There are a number of matters to work on.
Demolition of the Buildings
We need to monitor how the buildings are going to be demolished to minimise the disruption to local residents. Where will the contractors park? How will the lorries exit from the site? Who will monitor the hours when the demolition can take place? Your councillors will negotiate with the NBT to make sure we are fully informed. -
Two Form Entry School
In order to integrate the new residents of Frenchay it is essential that all children go to the same school. Your councillors will be looking for ways to ensure this. -
Park and Ride
While the parking at Southmead Hospital is being completed the hospital will be running an 850 place Park and Ride Scheme at Frenchay Hospital. Frenchay residents need to be reassured that all the parking will be within the hospital and your councillors will be asking for details of how the scheme will work and keep a close watch to make sure that there are no unexpected consequences. -
Planning Applications
For the next ten years individual developers will be submitting details plans for the houses they want to build. Your councillors will be looking carefully at each set of plans and commenting on the suitability of the design and the density of the development.
Carol Thorne
Parish Councillor, Frenchay Ward
Winterbourne Parish Council