Winterbourne Parish Council - Village Design Statement Questionnaire

A public meeting was held at the Village Hall on Thursday 19th March to discuss and debate the proposed Village Design Statement (VDS). Part of Frenchay is covered by the Conservation status, but areas outside such as Grange Park, Newlands, Riverwood and all properties outside the boundary are not.
We are proposing to extend the area to be bordered on the South West by the Bristol City Council, to the West by the M32, to the North by the A4174 Ring Road until it crosses the River Frome, then following the river south, ending on the Bristol boundary.
This is a much larger area than that contained within the Special Planning Document affording Conservation Status but encompasses what is widely considered to be Frenchay in South Gloucestershire.
Please complete the survey Questionnaire by April 26, 2015 and return by email to or to either of the addresses at the bottom of the form.
Please bear in mind that a Village Design Statement is a planning document and will be bound eventually in law and statute.
Your Parish Councillors:
Carol Thorne; David Fletcher; Eurof Lewis; Paul Kembery