Winterbourne Parish Council - An introduction to planning regulations and policies

A short introduction to the intricacies of planning regulations and policies …
When someone applies to South Gloucestershire Council for planning permission to alter or extend their property or to build a new house, Winterbourne Parish Council receive notification so that they can make a comment.
We have the local knowledge to comment on the application. We know whether the lie of the land means that the proposed extension overlooks another house, whether the proposed access is safe, or whether other neighbours have already extended their house in the same way. We normally visit sites in our Frenchay ward before a planning meeting in order to update ourselves on current conditions.
Some people have asked why Parish Councillors are not on the committee of the Frenchay Residents Association. At the beginning of each planning meeting we have to declare an interest. If we are related to the applicant, live close by or are members of an organisation associated with the application, then we have to declare an interest and cannot take part in the discussion. We feel that it is important to be able to discuss any application without risking being accused of not declaring an interest.
If we have concerns then we can ask for it to be ‘called in’. This means that instead of the matter being decided by the South Gloucestershire Planning Department officers, the elected planning committee of South Gloucestershire councillors will make a site visit to see for themselves. If there is a site visit, then a Parish Councillor can make a short comment to the South Glos councillors. Other than this, we have no powers.
Some people are concerned that they do not know when a planning application has been submitted. Notices advertising the application are supposed to be attached to lamp posts, fences or telegraph pole and immediate neighbours should be informed by post.
If you want to know about a planning application, or even if one has been submitted, then you can look at the South Gloucestershire website. Go to the South Glos website and press on the planning search button. If you know the application number you can then enter this or you can enter the address. This will show any current application together with previous applications. If you put in your post code then all applications for this post code will be shown. You can write a comment about the application and see what other people have written.
South Gloucestershire Council has the power to give permission for development, but has to follow national government guidelines. There is a current shortage of housing and each council is given a target number to build. National policy is to grant permission to build unless there are reasons not to. In other words, South Gloucestershire cannot refuse an application unless it has planning reasons for a refusal.
Unfortunately all applications have to be heard within a short time frame which means that your councillors cannot alert residents via this magazine. There are huge developments in this part of South Gloucestershire e.g. Lyde Green, Highbrook Park and the land opposite UWE. Parish Councillors try to keep track of all these, as they will impinge on us. For instance, did you know that Section 106 money that the developers of Frenchay Hospital site have to pay the council to provide medical facilities, will be used to build a surgery on the development at Harry Stoke?
In the coming months we will try to update you about matters you may find of interest.
Carol Thorne
Frenchay Ward
Winterbourne Parish Council