Village Hall Update

Over the next few years we will see exciting changes happening in Frenchay village as the local population increases as a result of the Frenchay Park development. The Village Hall is one of the key community facilities in the immediate area available for events, socials and activities and with the help of community funding and grants, the Village Hall Committee are planning a number of internal and external improvements to the Hall (which is now over 100 years old) to respond to the anticipated increased demand.
To help inform our plans about what changes to make we carried out a consultation exercise at the last Frenchay Flower Show which generated over 130 responses and to keep local residents up to date with our plans we will be including regular updates in the Frenchay Community News.
This month, after our recent AGM, we are delighted to announce that David Sommerhill has been elected as Chair of the Committee. David has already made a significant contribution to the Committee in his role as Deputy Chair and brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role from his work as senior development manager at Knightstone Housing Association.
Our treasurer however has been re-elected on an interim basis as he has moved to Lydney, a 45 minute drive from Frenchay, so we are in urgent need of a replacement as soon as possible. The work for this would be relatively light with monthly meetings but we would very much like to hear from anyone with some bookkeeping experience who may be able to join the committee in this role. If you are interested in this please contact us on for more information.
Next month we will provide a summary of the recent Village Hall questionnaire and provide an update on our future plans. If you would like any more information about the Hall or about the regular activities that take place please visit our website at