Winterbourne Parish Council Report

I had a couple of residents ask about how Winterbourne Parish Council (WPC) and Frenchay have been affected by the electoral boundary changes. As many of you are aware, Frenchay is now part of the Downend Ward. However the parish boundary remains the same as it historically was. Trevor Jones is now a Winterbourne Parish Councillor as well as being a South Glos. Councillor for the ward where he had represented Frenchay and Stoke Park, under the old boundary system. So all is much the same as before with the Parish Council!
There are 16 Parish Councillors and Adrian Collins, Paul Kembery, Charlie Watkins and Hugh Whatley are the 4 Frenchay members for WPC. We continue the work on behalf of local residents and thank Eurof Lewis, David Fletcher and Carol Thorne for the near 60 years between them previously.
We have all been working on the land transfer of the open spaces on the former hospital site including the new play area, tennis courts, allotments and nature reserve. We want to ensure the work by the developer is done to a high standard before it’s handed over to WPC.
We have agreed on a new outdoor table tennis table by the play area and a football post. WPC have always wanted to promote sports for all ages, there are also many other sports facilities within the Parish.
WPC also manage the commons in Frenchay and our contractor does this to a high standard. WPC also make a grant to the successful Frenchay Flower Show and many Councillor’s kindly give up time to help at the event. Tim Bowles who is Mayor of the West of England Combined Authority, has helped with road marshalling for the past 10 years at the flower show and is also Vice-Chairman of WPC. We are grateful for his continued support even with his big role in the wider area!
Please do look at the WPC website - There is also a section on its history. The two clerks, Sally and Sarah, can be contacted at the office by phone or email. The Police also have an office at WPC which has proved to be very useful in our community.
Paul Kembery
Chairman, Winterbourne Parish Council