Downend Library News

Computer Support
Need some help using your laptop, tablet or smartphone? Our friendly Digital Champion is back to help out. You can book a FREE session with him at Downend Library by calling 01454 865022 or emailing or asking staff for details.
Downend Library also hosts longer Computer courses which are run by SGS College. Topics covered include:
- Understanding emails & attachments
- Searching the internet,
- How to do on line shopping safely and how to compare deals on line.
- How to have Video chat with family and friends
For more information on these FREE courses please phone 0117 9092296 or email
We also run FREE Rhyme Time sessions on Wednesdays at 9.30am for pre-school children (and their parents of course). Places are currently limited but can easily be booked by emailing or asking staff for details. And if you haven’t had your child’s free Bookstart pack yet we can help with that too.