Cricket Club News

As the weather in later February was much drier, the ground conditions have allowed more, very necessary work by the volunteer Groundstaff on the Wickets and Outfield, in preparation for the Season, which is now approaching rapidly.
The super news is that the Club has expanded our ‘Female’ offer, and have entered a Team in the new Gloucestershire Womens ‘35 Over Premier League’, which will be a good, solid challenge for our many older teenage girls. In addition, for the Women who want to progress their experience from ‘Softball’, and to cater for the girls wishing to continue playing ‘hardball’, a side has also been entered in the ‘Gloucestershire South’ Womens T/20 League - contact
Senior Pre-Season Practice continues throughout March in the excellent facilities at Colston’s School, and new players are always welcome In addition, our various Youth Squads also continue Pre-Season practice at various venues, and enquires to
Looking ahead, the Club will again be running the very popular ‘All Stars’ Programme for 5 - 8 year olds. If you have a child of that age range who would like to experience the first steps in cricket, sign them on via The sessions will begin in early May, and run for eight weeks on a Sunday morning at the Club. In addition, we have started a new Under 9 Group exclusively for Girls this year, meeting on a Friday evening at the Club from early April through the summer. So if your Daughter is in Years 3 or 4, and would like to experience cricket, please contact The Falcons Disability Cricket Group popular ‘Dynamos’ Scheme will also be restarting for Year 3 - 6 SEND Children, on Monday evenings, and please contact