School Report

This term in Unicorn class in Frenchay Primary have been looking at our local area. We enjoyed finding on Google Maps and we discussed what we could see on the map. The children wanted to make maps of our journey from home to school, drawing some of the things that we see on the way. We decided to go out exploring in the local area on a forest walk, lucky for us it was a beautiful sunny winter’s morning. We played pooh sticks and had lots of fun at the park. Some of us were really brave and went right to the top of the climbing frame!
We have carried on being explorers by going a bit further afield - Antarctica! In our Literacy lessons we have been learning the story ‘Lost and Found’. We can now retell the story using our story map.
We have been pretending to be some of the characters in the story and answering questions from our class mates. We have some great actors and actresses in Unicorn class! We have also been writing speech bubbles for the different characters in the story. We discussed what each character might be saying and had a go at writing the sentence ourselves.
One week we looked at toys from the past. We compared them to our toys now and discussed how toys from the past were often made from wood. We then explored some of the old toys and played with them really carefully.
We went on to talk about clothes from the past and even had a go at dressing up in some of them! Many thanks to Mrs Thorne for bringing in artefacts from the museum. This really bought our learning alive and we couldn’t wait to see what was in each box. We couldn’t stop talking about it, at home as well as in school!
Katherine Marks, Head Teacher