South Glos Council Report

Thank you to all residents who continue to reach out to us in relation to a variety of issues. We continue to focus on issues that matter to you and, in particular, what you experience outside your own front door.
We regularly walk around Frenchay to identify local issues such as roads that might need resurfacing, pot holes, graffiti, overgrown bushes etc. Where work is identified then these issues are reported to the excellent Streetcare Team. We would encourage all residents to either contact ourselves or to report issues online:
Routes to School
The sooner that we are aware of any issues, the more quickly they can be resolved.
We are sure that everyone will be delighted to see the progress that is being made with the new Frenchay Primary School. The new school will provide students and teachers with excellent learning facilities that will help to support the growing community.
We are keen to ensure that active travel to the school is encouraged and families have the best available options to walk or cycle to the new site. Work is underway to provide new footpaths to the school and the admissions team are modelling where families will be travelling to and from. As part of this process, we continue to engage with the school and road safety team at South Gloucestershire Council.
We understand that the intention is to apply for accreditation under the Modeshift STARS scheme, which helps to promote travel plans that assist in:
- Creating, developing and implementing Travel Plans
- Monitoring and evaluating Travel Plans and the initiatives contained within them
- Recognising and rewarding excellence in the promotion of sustainable and active travel.
We also understand that other local residents have concerns about parking in roads that surround the school. We hope that a combination of these active travel schemes and the possible implementation of a ‘park and stride’ scheme (a convenient car park is identified and those parents who need to drive are encouraged to park and complete the last section of the journey on foot) will help reduce on street parking and the volume of traffic. I am sure residents and the school community have a shared desire to reduce traffic volume around the school.
If you have questions about travel to and from the new school or any other concerns then please let us know. We will keep you updated as the school build progresses.