Cricket Club News

With the start of May comes the beginning of Fixtures for our various Teams in the ‘Senior Leagues’. The 1sts will again be challenging in the Bristol and District League (B&D) ‘Senior’ Division, while the 2nds hope for a change of fortune in B&D Division 5. Meantime, the 3rds address new challenges in Division 10 and the 4ths Division 15 of the B&D, both of which will provide good development opportunities for our mixed age and gender sides. Locally, the Womens scene has had a ‘close season’ overhaul, and Frenchay will be putting out Teams in the new ’35 Over’ Gloucestershire League, which will be excellent experience for our older, more experienced girls, as well as a side in the T/20 ‘South’ Womens League. In addition, the Womens Softball Team are set for a busy time, taking part in the ‘Bristol League’ and some Countywide Festivals.
Over the close season, there has been quite some activity in terms of improvements to the playing areas and facilities at the Club. Local Councillors Ben Burton and Liz Brennan kindly agreed to assist by supporting the purchase of a Flix Pitch (Portable Wicket) through a Members Awarded Grant. This new facility will enable more accurate training sessions, and will also be used for some matches, providing more consistent bounce and carry than the grass areas normally used. In addition, following the grant of Planning Permission, and receipt of a £10k Grant from ECB, a ‘Non-Turf (All Weather) Pitch’ will be installed on the ‘Top Square’ in early June. This will also provide significant improvement in allowing more specific training to take place, as well as matches played which would otherwise be cancelled due to ‘soggy’ ground conditions.
All Stars for 5 - 8 year olds starts early May. The new Under 9 (Years 3 & 4) Girls Group started late April. If interested in either contact