School News

‘Easter in a Box’
During the lead up to Easter Frenchay Primary children were incredibly lucky to have a visit from local clergy, members of the congregation, foundation/governors and Bristol Schools Connect.
These adults gave up their time to come and work with the children from year 3 and year 4 to lead ‘Easter in a Box’: the Easter story, split into 6 movie scenes with artefacts and activities for the children to handle and discuss. Each adult led a group who were fascinated by all the items and offered some thought provoking views on each part of the Easter story. It was wonderful to see both adults and children equally engaged and enthused by the session, the excitement was tangible. We would like to say a huge thank you to Shirley, Angela, Revd. Charles, Mel, Liz and Ruth for their time and hard work. We look forward to being able to work with you all again.
Whilst Easter in a Box took place in school, other year groups visited the Church to further their understanding of the Easter story. An Easter ‘Break out Room’ was thoroughly enjoyed by year 5 and 6, whilst those in the earlier year groups enjoyed making church rubbings as part of their activities.
Katherine Marks, Headteacher