Village Hall Update

In February’s Frenchay News we outlined our plans for improvements to the Village Hall utilising the Section 106 funding from the Redrow development.
Having had a detailed survey and advice from a Bristol based firm of architects we are now in a position to finalise our suggested plans for the structural changes to the Hall and have arranged a pre-planning meeting with the Council to discuss these prior to a formal planning application being submitted.
Our proposals, that include changes to the main entrance, the stairs and the toilets, will be displayed in the new noticeboards next to the front porch at the Hall and please do take a look at these next time you are passing.
As we have said before our Village Hall is a valuable asset for the whole community, and we would like to ensure that we utilise the Section 106 funding wisely, so your views on these proposals are important to us.
If you have any thoughts on this please email your comments to This is a significant series of building works for the Hall and we are still keen to hear from anyone with relevant project management expertise who may be able to assist us with their organisation and supervision.
Finally, we would like to remind everyone that the Hall hosts a wide range of exciting clubs and events and if you are interested in finding out more about what is on offer please take a look on our website for our up to date schedule of regular users (see opposite) and their contact details.(on the website)
Available for hire for the following: Meetings for clubs /Community activities /Private parties /Weddings /Fundraising events
Our main hall accommodates 120 people. We have 2 additional rooms upstairs each holding up to 50 people and 20 people respectively, a large kitchen and bar area, a disabled toilet and a stair lift as well as a car park for up to 25 cars.
For all enquiries please contact the booking secretary on telephone no 07794 955427 or by e-mail at
Please also visit our web site at where you will find a list of our charges and details of all regular activities that are held at the hall which may be of interest.