WI News

Our meeting in May was our Resolutions evening when a member gave us an outline of what was being proposed - Women and Girls with ASD & ADHD - under-identified, under-diagnosed, misdiagnosed, under-supported. The resolution was unanimously passed and will go to the National Federation of Women’s Institutes Annual Meeting and, if adopted, will go on to form the basis of a WI campaign
In true WI fashion, Frenchay WI held a Jubilee Afternoon Tea for members in the week after the Bank Holiday Weekend. Our members signed up to bring items of food and do ‘jobs’ to ensure a smooth and pleasant afternoon. And it certainly was a success - members dressed up in ‘posh frocks and titfers’ and enjoyed themselves - the committee received so many compliments. One member brought a Royal Quiz, with the winner being presented with a lovely bottle of Prosecco. As was mentioned last month, a collection box for Ukraine was available for donations.
Our speaker in July will be John Caldicott who will talk about the Foundling Hospital, the UK’s oldest children’s charity, and the lives of babies left abandoned.
As always, we invite new members to join us at any of our regular meetings - held on the 3rd Monday of every month (except August) in Frenchay Village Hall, starting at 7.30 pm. For more information, please contact our Secretary, Chris Davies on 0117 9568123 or at frenchaywi@gmail.com.