School Update

Frenchay Primary are enjoying their first months in the new school. It has definitely been worth the wait! The children are so excited about so many aspects of the building, the space, the new interactive teaching panels, that playground and field and the huge hall, far bigger than what we are used to! Even the new smell has been appreciated!
The public art has been designed by Opus Glass in Redland and is a beautiful feature in the new library. The colours chosen in the school reflect both the school logo and also the natural surroundings in which the school is set. This felt very apt when being the first Passivhaus school in the South Glos authority. Visitors Erica Williams and Ben Burton were very impressed when they visited, as were the parents and governors. It has been a pleasure seeing so many smiling faces as they walk around each area. The children have been keen to get into school each morning, with a cheer when the gates are open!
As promised, on November 9th we shall hold an Open Session where members of the local community are welcome to come and have a look round. If you would like to visit, then please come to the school’s main entrance at 4.00pm when we will meet you for a tour.
Katherine Marks, Head-Teacher
Images from the New Frenchay Primary School building