Cricket Club News

A very happy New Year to all Readers from the Cricket Club. I still cannot believe where 2022 went!!
The New Year brings lots of (indoor) cricket activities across every part of the Club. At Youth level, each age group starts ‘Pre-Season Practice Nets’ towards the end of this month, working through on a weekly basis until the end of March. Interested? - please contact Similarly the various Senior Mens Hardball and Womens Hardball and Softball Teams also start their Pre -Season Net practices, also on a weekly basis. Interested? - please contact
The U11 and U13 Girls will be involved in their respective Indoor Glos Girls Leagues, and the Softball Womens Team with their Indoor League fixtures. Adding to all this activity, the ‘Junior’ and ‘Senior’ Falcons Disability Groups will be continuing their sessions in the Sports Hall at Shaftesbury Park early on Sunday afternoons interest? Contact Then, our many youth players who secured their places in the various Gloucestershire & Somerset County Performance Programmes, will be embarking on their series of sessions across both Counties. A really busy time, leading to the start of the new season after Easter, which will be with us so soon (just the ‘click of the fingers’ it seems sometimes!).
Off the pitch, we have made some long awaited and sorely needed adjustments in the Clubhouse to provide a separately available Female Changing Area. This can now be used when we field ‘Mixed Gender’ Teams, which, if previous seasons are to go by, is at least every Saturday. In addition, the Club was very pleased to have been awarded an ECB County ‘Improving Hospitality’ Grant of just over £9k, which is being used to update and provide new elements of our catering equipment, which should prove highly popular in times ahead.
Jim Donaldson