About the Preservation Society

Frenchay Preservation Society

I was asked over the Christmas period about the sort of things the Frenchay Preservation Society (FPS) does. Whilst I presumed that most people in the village were aware of the role of FPS, I realised that perhaps not everyone knows, so I hope the following helps a little!

FPS started in 1969 by a group of Frenchay residents who primarily wanted to stop inappropriate development in the area.

The current make up of the organisation is your 4 elected Frenchay Parish Councillors who are part of Winterbourne Parish Council (WPC). Two members sit on the Finance and General Purposes committee and the other two on the Planning committee.

FPS also have a committee of local residents who debate and propose local matters. In Frenchay most of the open spaces on the commons, Tuckett Field and the pond are maintained by WPC. As are many of the trees, benches, ‘bunding’ (humps around the commons to stop vehicles driving on) and other assets.

The new Frenchay Parkland green spaces on the old hospital site and the new tennis courts which will be built in the near future, are all proposed to be managed by WPC alongside the tennis committee itself.

We liaise with South Glos. Council to change and improve paths, roads and walkways. The junction improvement at the Village Hall was an example of FPS and concerned local residents getting funding for the work.

We can recommend to WPC on grants to local organisations in Frenchay.

  • Are you unsure or not happy with a planning application in Frenchay? Do go on South Glos. Council website as well under planning and look at or comment on the application.
  • Want to see something altered or improved in the community? Want to see things not changed and preserve the Conservation Area status? It’s not always what you see changing in Frenchay, but the fact that it has been ‘preserved'.
  • Want to join the FPS committee and help in your community?

For all the above, FPS would be happy to assist where possible, please do contact us via the website www.frenchaypreservation.info and send us an email.

Paul Kembery (Chairman, Frenchay Preservation Society)