Winterbourne Parish Council Report

Winterbourne Parish Council


Parish Councils have an obligation to provide adequate allotments. We set up the Jubilee allotments In Winterbourne some years back which have been full most of the time. There is a smaller area within Frenchay on the former hospital site but there is a need to look for more land. As Adrian Collins reported in the previous edition we have been looking at an area by the side of the village hall which is partly overgrown and has the potential of a new allotment area. Local feedback so far suggests positive comments and there has been a lot more interest in the past few years as stated in the media in growing vegetables locally at allotments and good for the mind, fitness and teaching children on how produce is grown. Winterbourne Parish Council have been discussing this area in Frenchay and possible grants and money available for allotments from local building developments contributions.

Beckspool Road

The ‘build outs’ to slow the traffic opposite the Church on Beckspool Road installed a few years ago have been controversial and many cars have had damaged wheels. It was agreed by South Glos Council that a review would be done and likely they would be replaced by traffic calming speed tables similar to the ones from the Village Hall towards Cedar Hall. One speed table at this area has had the side of the Common eroded and South Glos Council have agreed to repair this and look at better methods to prevent motorists avoiding going over them as they are designed to do.

Former Hospital Site

There has been a delay in the handover of the land to Winterbourne Parish Council due to some outstanding works to be completed and other items. We have had some constructive Zoom and on-site meetings with North Bristol Trust who still own the land.

Our solicitors have been looking into legal aspects and we hope in the near future that the land will be handed over for future generations in Frenchay to enjoy under the control of Winterbourne Parish Council.

Paul Kembery
Chair, Winterbourne Parish Council