Just Run: Celebrating our Members

Although we all meet as a club Monday and run together, each of us has a different motivation for coming along. It might be to meet new friends, get fit, lose weight, improve mental health, run faster etc. the reasons are endless and completely individual for each member. The aim of the club is not to compete against each other but celebrate each person’s goals and achievements. We choose one member each month who stands out and this month it is Harriet.
Harriet has run with the club for about 4 years now. She signed up the Couch to 5k course 4 times, and although she did complete the course a few times, never managed to keep running regularly, and ended up feeling like she was back to square one!
Over lock down something changed for her, she completed the course and kept going, and since then we have been unable to stop her! She is now running up to 8 miles and has signed up the Bath Half marathon later this year. Harriet has got so much from running that she has now kindly offered to volunteer to help others with their running. Her story is truly inspirational and hopefully will show others that running can be for anyone. It is all about the motivation and determination and, for some, timing.
“The club never gave up on me, even though I was one of the slowest runners. Through running with the group, I have learnt to love running. I’m still not fast, but the ability to put one foot in front of the other and run the distance lifts my mood and clears my head and every single time I run, I get a huge sense of achievement.“
Just Run Frenchay Ladies running club meet every Monday at 7pm at the Dings Crusaders Rugby Club, Shaftesbury Park, BS16 1LG. Catering for all abilities across our Couch to 5km and 5-10km courses and regular 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, 6-mile groups.
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