WI News

Frenchay WI

Frenchay WI are pleased to be starting the new membership year this month, April, and we would welcome prospective members to join us.

Our speaker will be Cath Pendleton, the ‘Merthyr Mermaid and Ice Swimmer. Cath featured last year on a BBC programme, where she was celebrated as being the first person to have swum an ice mile in the Antarctic Circle.

Our new Social Secretary, Linda, is planning some activities which members can sign up for at meetings. Some of our ladies went to the cinema in Yate recently – a great way to go to see a film with a group of friends! Linda is also arranging a Luncheon Club on different days each month so that members can join in on the days they are free. She is also looking at visits farther afield that may involve coach trips, so no-one has to drive far. If members have any other ideas for group activities, Linda would be pleased to receive them!

Our regular meetings are held in Frenchay Village Hall at 7.30pm on the third Monday of every month BUT, as April’s meeting would fall on Easter Monday, for this meeting only, we are moving the date to Tuesday the 19th. We look forward to greeting any new members who would like to join us. Contact details are: Secretary, Chris Davies on 0117 9568123 or email frenchaywi@gmail.com