School Update

Frenchay Primary School

Katherine Marks, Headteacher, writes:

Unicorn class are enjoying the final few weeks together in Reception. Lots of learning has been taking place and we have been making the most of the warm, sunny weather by spending lots of time outside.

Last week, we enjoyed taking part in science day where we had to create a bird’s nest. We worked together in small groups to collect everything we needed to create the nest. Once they were finished, we tested them to see if they were able to withstand heavy rain and wind. The aim was to make sure the ‘eggs’ were safe in the nest.

We have been enjoying our minibeast topic where we have been learning lots of facts about insects, including the life cycle of a butterfly. We are lucky that we get to watch the life cycle of a butterfly in real life! We had some caterpillars arrive and we have been closely observing the changes that have been happening. They are currently in chrysalides, so we are excited to see the next stage and to finally release our butterflies into nature!



The adults in Unicorn class have all been so proud of how well we have done in our first year of school and how grown up we all are. We are very excited to be in year one!