Running - a family affair

Just Run Women's Running Club

Run leader Julie shares her running story and talks about how her participation in the sport has inspired 3 generations of her family to take part.

Multi-generation Runners

“I started running when our local ladies running club started up as a bit of a joke, really not expecting to continue for long but things changed, and I realised that I could run. My first running event was the Frenchay 10k and the support I received was amazing. After a few years I became a run leader and I now really enjoy helping ladies in the group to achieve their running goals. This also helps to keep me focused because of my commitment to the club.

“My son-in-law, Andrew, followed by my daughter Kelly, then my husband Martin and my daughter-in-law Claire all started running. Occasionally my son, Kevin will also give it a go!

“My 4 grandchildren, Olivia, Oscar, Dillan and Darcey have all completed junior park runs, so the running bug has really had an impact on my family. My best achievement was running the London Marathon in 2017. As you can see from the photo, my family all travelled to support me, and some got inspired to run it as well - Martin ran it in 2018, Andrew 2019 and Kelly 2021. So, running really has had a positive effect on my family with 3 generations sometimes taking part in organized running sessions held by Just Run Frenchay.

“I think it is always good to have something to aim for and my next event will be the Brighton Marathon in April next year. I really must thank Jess of Just Run for all her hard work and commitment to running the club. Without her I probably would never have started running. The running club is very supportive across run leaders and runners. We aren’t super competitive (although some might be secretively!) so if you are out there and looking for motivation to start or take up running again, come along and join in, you never know who may be inspired to follow in your footsteps!”

For more info about Just Run, our local community ladies running club, or to sign up for our next Couch to 5k and 5 to 10k courses which start on 12th September, contact