Winterbourne Parish Council Report

Winterbourne Parish Council

Tuckett Pond

We have been doing some investigations into the low level of the water (appreciate we have had little rain!) which has possibly been due to tree roots in the wall and the fall of a tree damaging the wall as well. It needs to be professionally surveyed and when we last had work done to desilt the pond the contractors found it difficult with access. We will endeavour to find someone who can do the job.

Frenchay Parklands

We have had another productive meeting with North Bristol Healthcare Trust and are trying to finalise the handover of the land. It is with both solicitors at the moment and we are hoping this will be progressed as soon as possible.

Beckspool Road

The unpopular ‘build outs’ installed a couple of years ago along the stretch opposite the church on the common we were promised by South Glos Council would be removed and traffic calming put in place. This has taken longer than expected and required further planning consultations. The new route through the wall by Cedar Hall needs the pavement dropping to provide a safer route on the road and this also is a route through to the new school.

Paul Kembery, Chair—Winterbourne Parish Council