Just Run News

Just Run Women's Running Club

You don’t have to go too far to read or hear about the physical and mental health benefits associated with running no matter how early or late in life you run.

Many of many of Just Run Frenchay members have reached mid-life and started or re-started running. We take great pleasure in seeing them flourish and gain confidence when they realise they are capable of so much more than they imagined. We like to think our nurturing, supportive club environment contributes to this.

For women in midlife, the right exercise can help manage hormonal shifts and brain fog as well as tone up the body. The more you exercise, the slower the rate you age. Studies have found that running (our Monday evening session) and interval training (our Friday evening session) contribute to cell regeneration and healthy ageing as well as providing physical and emotional strength.

At this stage of life it is a good idea to complement running with low-intensity cardio exercise which could be swimming, brisk walking or cycling ideally a few times a week.

​Lifting weights will help you stay toned while beating osteoporosis. This doesn’t need to be too technical; you can achieve a lot just with a couple of tins from your food cupboards. You’ll find lots of information on the internet. Working out in a group will keep you motivated, and our members’ say the Monday club run sets them up for the week while you can’t beat the buzz of starting the weekend by completing the Friday interval session. No matter what your level and experience of running there will be a group for you. For more information contact Jessie at info@justrun.uk