Just Run – Holiday Running

Just Run Women's Running Club

To take running kit on holiday or not. That is a question many of us face if we’re fortunate enough to get away when we are packing for our holidays. For some it is the perfect opportunity to explore new places and enjoy the experience without the usual distractions of day-to-day commitments. For others, the trainers get packed only to sit in a corner or cupboard for the duration waiting for the “I’ll go tomorrow” thought to become “I went today” or, more likely, “I should have left them behind and avoided the guilty feelings.” The guilt trip can be unwelcome and if that’s you then leave them behind and enjoy the feeling of getting back from holiday with renewed enthusiasm for burning off any vacation excesses. Even if you are training for an event a rest rarely undermines any training plans.

If you are heading for sunny climes combining sightseeing or a trip to a coffee stop can be a good way of giving the trainers a run out. You don’t have to run hard to get the benefits. Combining walking with jogging and stopping to admire the view while performing a few stretches or mobility exercises can be really beneficial. Sometimes it’s a case of reframing the thoughts and attitude to training. Likewise, if on a city break sticking the trainers on and heading off for a jog can be a fantastic way of covering more ground and doing a recce of areas to visit on a later occasion.

If your trip away coincides with a Saturday and you need some external motivation to get out for a run, then the Parkrun is a great way to do that. Saturday morning events are 5k and take place in parks and open spaces. On Sunday mornings, there are 2k junior parkruns for children aged four to 14. Parkruns are free, weekly, community events all around the world. All parkruns are free but you should register in advance. Once registered with parkrun, you can participate in any of their events at any time anywhere and as the image below shows, with around 700 locations across the globe, there’s a lot of choice.


Many of our club members have participated and testify that these are fun, welcoming, and even become a highlight of a trip way. See www.parkrun.org.uk/events for more info.

For more info about Just Run our local community ladies running club contact info@justrun.uk